This week in Flutter #38

This week in Flutter #38

A 35 hours long Flutter course on YouTube. For free.


2 min read

This week Vandad Nahavandipoor released 35 hours of coding videos on YouTube. If you want to learn some specific topics from creating developer accounts to coding an entire Flutter app that connects to Firebase, to submitting it to the stores, you can jump directly to the correct video in the playlist and watch it.

It is more a 35 hours long "follow along" coding session, rather than a course, but you can learn so much from it. Thank you Vandad for sharing it for free!

He decided to keep it free because he knows what it means not to be able to afford a course.

Are you going to watch it? Let me know by leaving a comment.

- Michele Volpato

Development ๐Ÿง‘โ€๐Ÿ’ป

๐Ÿ”— Cross-Platform file downloads using Flutter

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๐Ÿ”— How to parse fixed-length data and why you should avoid 'String.substring'

String manipulation in Dart can get messy, especially if you have emojis in your strings. Sander Roest shows you how you can avoid String parsing problems by fixing the length of the data you are going to parse.

๐Ÿ”— How to use constructor tear-offs in Dart

How can you exploit the constructor tear-offs introduced in Dart 2.15? Juan Belieni has a good example where you can improve the readability of your code by using them in a switch statement.


Read the rest on my website.

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